1913 New Bethel Church
A Special Place for Your Special Day

The 1913 New Bethel Church, located at the Guthrie County Historical Village and Museum, is the perfect location for your unique occasion. This quaint church was originally located in rural Guthrie County near Adair but was relocated to the Historical Village for preservation in 1986.
​The Village Church is a charming country church with over 100 years of history. Enjoy beautiful gardens and historical buildings at the Village for your wedding photos and a quiet, peaceful space for you and your guests.
The country church is available for rental to the public all year around, weather permitting. A partially-refundable rental deposit of $100 and rental agreement are required to reserve the date and to use the church.
Country Charm, Simple Decor, & Beautiful Flowers

Capacity: 50 seated.
Availability: Year-round, weather permitting.
Parking: Parking is available in two parking lots next to the Historical Village, as well as street parking.
Cost: $100 to reserve the date with $25 refundable. (See Rental Agreement)
The nondenominational church in our Historical Village is available for weddings, recitals, memorials, and more year-round, weather permitting. The church does not have heat but heaters can be used to warm the church for an event. The church has AC for the summer months. The Museum Building on the grounds offers modern restrooms that can also be used for dressing rooms. A Guthrie County Historical Village staff member is on duty during your event.
50 guests can sit comfortably in the available seating. The pews in the church are the original pews from the old, wooden Brethren Church north of Panora and date back to the late 1880s. Our church also has a 1913 upright piano that can be used. Other beautiful pieces in the church are the pump organ from St. Cecilia's Catholic Church in Panora and Deacon Chairs from the Church of Christ in Yale.
The church has a beautiful memorial garden that surrounds the entrance. Many of the flowers and the bench are in memory of Rayann Lower Polivka. The peonies are from the garden of Ivyl Barker, a long-time resident and gardener. When Ivyl passed away, we were asked to move his peonies to the museum so that others could enjoy their beauty. No two peonies in the garden are alike and the garden is at its most beautiful late spring/early summer when these flowers are in bloom.

New Bethel History
The New Bethel Methodist Church was organized in 1875 with the first religious service being held in the Bethel schoolhouse, or Bear Grove #8. This school sat at the SW corner of Sec. 27, Bear Grove Twp. At this time, New Bethel was one of five churches on the North Branch circuit. For many years, pastors would come and go, and services continued to be held in the schoolhouse.
In 1913, through the determined efforts of the members, a movement was started to erect the present church building to be called New Bethel. The community rallied and everyone did his or her part. Roney Hurd gave the land for the church. Josh Kirkwood donated the sand and gravel. The rest of the materials were purchased at the Adair Lumber Company and hauled with team and wagon.
Some of the active members at the time the church was built were: Nellie and Powell Randel, Minnie Huston and family, Mrs. Mame Martin and daughters, Clarence and Jennie Kirkwood, and the Bert Kirkwoods. Rev. Schwick was pastor at the time the church was built.
Soon after New Bethel left the North Branch Circuit in 1947, the first remodeling of any consequence was done. The basement was enlarged and a modern kitchen was installed. A library, classrooms, and a larger vestibule were built. Walls were painted, a furnace installed, and a new rug added, too. It is believed that the stain-glass windows were also installed. In June 1963 new pews were purchased and installed.
​On October 27, 1985, the New Bethel Church held its last regular service. After 72 years, the church building was donated to the Guthrie County Conservation Board and plans were made to move it to the Historical Village. The relocation project was funded entirely by private donations; no tax money was used. The church held an auction to sell extra items left in the church and the funds were used to build the church's new foundation at the Village. The church arrived at the Historical Village in the Spring of 1986.

First picture of newly-built church in 1913.

New Bethel Women's Cooking Class

Stained Glass Windows

Auctioning off items from the church prior to moving it to the Historical Village.

Fred Scarlett, a building mover from Adair, Iowa, drives the church down a country road on its way to Panora.

The New Bethel Church moving into its news location at the Historical Village in 1986.
Renting the Church
Please send us a message if you would like more information about renting the church for your special event.